Wednesday, 8 May 2013


One of my favourites. A picture I painted some time ago. This one is called, 'Mirage.'


  1. My jaw is currently sitting on my lap. That is AMAZING! I'm awed. Completely awed. Good job. It'
    I especially love the horses (or are they unicorns?) off to the side. No, I love the whole thing, it amazes me what people can do with a paintbrush and a little bit of paint. This is probably my favorite painting that I've seen. Good job! :)

  2. I'm glad you like it,Tayla. Must admit, it's one of my favourites and I do have quite a lot stored in the garage or on the walls.
    I do love unicorns, but they are just horses. I suspect the painting will end up as a book cover when I write the appropriate story.
    Why did you say you can't paint? When your artwork on You Tube is gorgeous!!

    1. Thanks! Those drawings were either done with a pencil or on the computer, once I get out the paints, I'm stumbling even though I watched enough of Bob Ross that I started painting in my sleep! I guess one of these days I'll give it another try, you've encouraged me to do that. :)
      And the horses are gorgeous.
      ~Tayla :D

  3. Thanks Tayla,
    I too loved Bob Ross. I found his voice so relaxing and loved the way he painted. Like you, I could watch him for hours.
    I hope you do persevere with the painting.
    Have a good weekend. :)

    1. I did kind of paint...but it was on the computer so I guess it doesn't really count, hmm. But if you want to see it, it's currently posted on my blog under the post called My Little SuperNova (or something like that), tell me what you think and whether or not my artist career is worth salvaging!
      I can't get enough of your's like an eye trap and for the first time in a long time, I like having my eyes trapped!!! :D

  4. Bless you. You have a wonderful way with words!
    I shall pop to your blog and take a look. :)

  5. I love it, Tayla, and have left a comment. :)
